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  • saramgapinski

Thank You to Everyone Who Gave All

What a beautiful Memorial Day Weekend it has been so far. Perfect weather, lots of ice cream, a grad party, four wheeler rides, tree climbing, got some projects worked on and we planted strawberry plants today! As I sit here resting on Sunday night before Memorial Day I was thinking through the schedule for tomorrow. We are a bit anti-social on these days and tend to just hide at the farm and work on projects that need done. But one "must do" on Memorial Day for our family is the Memorial Day parade in Gaylord. We go watch the parade and stay for the ceremony to honor those who called Otsego County home, chose to serve their country and gave their lives for our freedom. It is a beautiful ceremony and a honor to be there every year. However I really hope they finally figure out a better speaker system as it is always hard to hear if you don't get a up front spot. The first few years we attended their really wasn't many people there, but the last few years it has been packed and getting a spot close enough to hear is tricky. No matter where we stand and how well we can hear it is an honor to be there and a part of this event yearly, and I love that more and more people are seeing the importance of this event.

Thinking about this ceremony has me thinking about the real meaning of this long weekend. I love that we have a day just called Memorial Day. It's a day that is meant for us to just pause and remember all that has been done for us to live the lifestyle we do everyday. A day for us to remember that someone else died for us to be free. It occurred to me, even though this is a American made day it's not a new concept. Memorial Day is a modern holiday, that was first widely observed in 1868, to honor those who fought and sacrificed all during the civil war. 1868 seems like a long time ago and I love that it has continued for 156 years, however having days set aside to remember things of the past is something that God started thousands of years earlier.

When the people of Israel finally got to the promise land God told the people to set up feasts at certain times of the year to remember all God had done for them. Passover to remind them how death passed over their doors and spared all their first born sons. The Feast of Tabernacles, where they remember the 40 years of living in the wilderness, so they go live in a tent for 7 days, sounds like many of our Memorial Days, as we are go camping in tents for the weekend. There are several more Jewish holidays that I don't need to take the space here going over to make my point, God made it very clear we are to take time to remember the past. Remember our history, remember those who gave up so much so we could have the life we have now.

Thinking about memorial day also reminds me of Mary and how the Bible says on a couple occasions Mary treasured all these things and pondered all these things in her heart. It wasn't after watching Jesus doing miracles that Mary was noted to be pondering. Mary's pondering came after the angel came and told her she was going to be an unwed teenage mother. She pondered after she gave birth in a stable as a first time mom. She is noted to have held in her heart and pondered all these things after she lost her son for three days and found him in the temple teaching the teachers. That had to have been a scary traumatic few days franticly looking for Jesus, and when it was over, Mary held these things and pondered them in her heart. These events were not fun happy things she treasured and pondered in her heart. It was the hard things of life she held close and thought of often. She didn't want to forget these things because of the lessons learned and the understanding of the truth that her son is the Messiah.

Memorial Day is Biblical, it is good to set aside a day or time regularly to remember. I think this is one reason we all love this old leaning barn. We all enjoy remembering a life style of the past. A life of quieter and slower time when more people farmed to support themselves. This old leaning barn reminds us of the past and for that I am thankful! Remembering is good! So this weekend as you remember those who have given so much, please also remember those who are left here on earth without their soldier. Those mama's who's babies died on the battle field. The wives who had so many dreams and future plans for when he came home, because that women's dreams died with him somewhere in the world while he was trying to keep us all safe. My heart aches for a few women I know who have lost their son and husband in Iraq. I can't imagine their pain.

How do we honor these men and women who gave all for us? How do you plan to remember tomorrow all the people who have lost their lives or their loved one? I truly hope we all take time to remember all those who have given so much for us! Please take a moment to pray for the loved ones who have lost their soldier for our freedom. Reach out to them. If you knew their soldier tell them a story of their loved one. Share a moment with them remembering their loved one. If you didn't know their soldier, you can still thank them for all they have given for our freedom, and let them know you are thinking of them and praying for them. Chose to stop and ponder all these things in your heart about all God and those who have served in the US military over the years have both done for you. Ponder these things in your heart and give thanks as you spend your day tomorrow! And I hope to see you at the parade!

God bless the USA!

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